Saturday, January 21, 2012

Also, I'm a klutz.

My family is pretty accident prone, so in comparison, I've always felt pretty graceful. But when I was thinking about it earlier, I realized I'm actually among the worst of the bunch.

●Once, the auto-clean setting on our oven came on when I was making cookies. I didn't realize it until I opened the oven and smoke came pouring out. The pan was ruined, and my little siblings used the blackened cookies to play frisbee and write on our porch...

●A few years ago, I got bored and decided to "act like a ninja," which basically consisted of stealthily jumping back and forth down the hall and posing every time I landed. The second time I jumped, I landed with the corner of the wall wedged between my fourth and fifth toes, snapping my pinky toe neatly in two.

●My mom's friend came over and parked a little ways behind my car. I didn't notice, so when I went to take my sisters and brother to karate, I backed into her van and smooshed the front light.

●I was making bacon and the pan caught on fire.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Intros all around (not really. you people don't get to say anything. just me)...

My name is Audrey. I was named after the gorgeous actress, Audrey Hepburn. Unfortunately, I look absolutely nothing like her. A few people have said I resemble my father, but when I told him that, he said to beat the whangdoodles out of anybody tells me that again. I love writing, sketching, and algebra- writing and sketching because I love thinking up new ideas and concepts, and algebra because I'm usually in algebra class when a good idea hits me (hence, I usually end up cramming for tests online).

I decided to start this blog because... well, honestly... I'm not sure why. 

Probably as another means of putting off my Accounting 101 homework. 

Anyway, I'll be posting ideas, short stories, doodles and the like, trying to get better at what I love doing. Feel free to quote me or "borrow" pictures, but please ask first via email or comment and give me the credit I deserve.